Jaw Pain / TMD’s Headaches

Jaw Pain and Headaches

This is a topic that I am passionate about as so many patients are trying to find relief from symptoms that include headaches and jaw pain. It is estimated that 20-25% of the adult population suffers from symptoms involving the TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint).

Pain arcing above the eye, radiating across the cheeks and into the ears may be the cause of tight facial muscles that may have become dysfunctional.

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy(OMT) helps to address jaw pain by focusing on improving oral rest tongue posture and re-programming the orofacial muscles to work in harmony for optimal function. The tongue plays a crucial role in stabilizing the jaw. The proper position of the tongue helps to stabilize the jaw and relax the intense jaw muscles. If the tongue isn’t functioning properly, the jaw joint won’t be stable and can lead to muscle compensation in the orofacial muscles.

Understanding the root cause of jaw pain symptoms is unique to each person, as the TMJ is a complex part of the body. Tongue-tie’s can be closely related to TMJ symptoms and headaches. Poor sleep habits may also irritate the TMJ and contribute to jaw pain. OMT exercises have been shown to significantly decrease jaw pain and headaches if the underlying cause is tongue and muscle related.  

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One of our most recent successful cases:

Chief complaint: Chronic TMJ / TMD pain, Facial pain, Lip & Tongue Tie, Open Bite, Tongue Thrust, jaw instability

After 8 months of therapy in our Enhanced Myofunctional Therapy Wellness program this client was no longer experiencing chronic TMJ or facial pain, headaches disappeared, neck & shoulder tension released, tongue thrust pattern was eliminated, improved chewing and swallowing, improved quality of sleep, jaw became more stable and was being supported with the proper oral rest posture of the tongue, and the open bite closed significantly!

At Back To Your Roots: Centre for Orofacial Myology

We love to share our success stories

Where To Start?

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Myofunctional therapy neuromuscular exercises are a great option to help with jaw pain because they are non-invasive and have been shown to significantly decrease jaw pain and headaches especially when the underlying issue is tongue and muscle related. 

Orofacial myofunctional therapy helps to address jaw pain by strengthening the oral muscles and improving the oral rest position of the tongue. 

As myofunctional therapists we recognize that the pain and concerns involving the TMJ are often multifaceted and in some cases, referrals to other health care providers may be needed.