Mini-Myo / Habit Breaker

Mini-Myo Wellness Program

Parents can often see problems with their children from a very young age but are not sure what to do, or who to ask for help.  An open mouth is a sign of potential airway problems. If your child is mouth breathing, has had their tonsils/adenoids removed, is a loud/messy eater, has disturbed sleep or snores, they could benefit from having early intervention myofunctional therapy.

The Mini Myo exercises provided have been specially designed for young children and we make them fun and interactive so that parents and children can do them together.  Our Mini Myo Wellness program allows parents to help their children by introducing good oral habits at a young age.


This program is suitable for ages 4 to 6 who would benefit from simple and fun myofunctional activities with a focus on improving nasal breathing, lip seal and tongue posture. This is the perfect age to help instil good oral posture and breathing to help guide jaw and facial growth

Includes: 8-10 sessions and therapy supplies kit

Average duration: 4-5 months


Thumb Sucking


Children can begin thumb sucking as early as in the womb and it is normal to see during infancy. Many children have these habits for the first years of their life, then stop naturally on their own. Did you know that by 4 years of age, 70% of the jaw growth is complete. Any oral habits such as pacifiers, sippy cups, thumb sucking, nail biting and lip licking for extended periods of time can have a negative impact on their jaw shape, teeth position, tongue placement, breathing and speech development. Non-nutritive habits train the tongue to sit low and move back and forth, not up and down the way it should be.

Anything that goes in the mouth encourages or exacerbates dysfunction.

Does your child have sensory issues to taste or texture? Are they picky eaters? Do they show signs of sleep disordered breathing and snoring? Do they sleep well? Or are they frequently tired, short fused and quick tempered?

They may have a tethered oral tissue restriction (tongue tie), dysfunctional swallowing pattern (reverse swallow) and/or be mouth breathing. These are a few of the many things we observe during our comprehensive assessment.

Mini Myo & Habit Elimination

How can Myofunctional Therapy help?

Our Habit Breaker Program is designed to help your child quit negative oral habits such as thumb/finger sucking, pacifier use, nail biting and/or lip licking in a positive and interactive manner without the use of punitive habit appliances.

Our program helps children build confidence and self esteem as they watch themselves give up addicting habits, typically within 30-60 days. We offer guidance and support to both the child and parents with an interactive program.


This program is for ages 4 and up who have negative oral habits that need to be addressed before going ahead with a Myofunctional Therapy Program. Eliminating the oral habit is just the first step, and continued myofunctional therapy is recommended to restore functional growth and habituate new muscle patterns.

Includes: 4 sessions and therapy supplies kit

Average duration: 30 to 60 days
