
The purpose of this page is to share resources that a prospective patient, dentist, orthodontist, physician, sleep specialist, speech pathologist or other health care provider would find useful when considering orofacial myofunctional therapy.

Covid -19

Could nasal nitric oxide help to mitigate the severity of COVID-19?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Airway Resistance

Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Don’t forget the tongue

10 Surprising Signs of Sleep Apnea in Children

Sleep-Disordered Breathing in a Population-Based Cohort: Behavioral Outcomes at 4 and 7 Years

Critical role of myofascial reeducation in pediatric sleep-disordered breathing


Upper airway resistance syndrome: still not recognized and not treated

Case report on Oral Myofunctional Therapy used to treat upper airway resistance syndrome


Effects of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy on Temporomandibular Disorders

Evidence based review of connection between teeth grinding, sleep disorders and TMJ

Airway Centric TMJ Philosophy

Effects of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy on Temporomandibular Disorders

Ankyloglossia as a risk factor for maxillary hypoplasia and soft palate elongation: A functional – morphological study

Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing and its relationship to some oral and medical conditions

Growth and mouth breathers

Mouth breathing: Adverse effects on facial growth, health, academics, and behaviour

The effect of mode of breathing on craniofacial growth - revisted

The negative effect of mouth breathing on the body and development of the child

Early Years

Growth and mouth breathers

The effects of the MYO Appliance in children with malocclusions of the primary dentition

Breastfeeding, bottle feeding and risk of malocclusion in mixed and permanent dentitions: a systematic review

The preliminary results of the differences in craniofacial and airway morphology between preterm and full-term children with obstructive sleep apnea.

Oral dysfunction as a cause of malocclusion

Relation of sensory processing and stomatognical system of oral respiratory children


Speech, Feeding and Tongue Tie Release

Speech and Feeding Improvements in Children After Posterior Tongue-Tie Release: A Case Series

Effect of Tongue Thrust Swallowing on Position of Anterior Teeth

The Effectiveness of Frenotomy on Speech in Adults

Restrictive Tethered Oral Tissues / Tongue Tie

Lingual Frenuloplasty With Myofunctional Therapy: Exploring Safety and Efficacy in 348 Cases

Short Lingual Frenulum and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children

Lingual, labial frenums: Early detection can prevent health effects associated with tongue-tie

Toward a functional definition of ankyloglossia: validating current grading scales for lingual frenulum length and tongue mobility in 1052 subjects

Assessment of posterior tongue mobility using lingual‐palatal suction: Progress towards a functional definition of ankyloglossia

Understanding the Lingual Frenulum

Understanding the Lingual Frenulum: Histological Structure, Tissue Composition, and Implications for Tongue Tie Surgery

Toward a functional definition of ankyloglossia: validating current grading scales for lingual frenulum length and tongue mobility in 1052 subjects

Assessment of Lingual Frenulum Lengths in Skeletal Malocclusion


Patients treated with orthodontic- myofunctional therapeutic protocol

Relapse of anterior open bites treated with orthodontic appliances with and without orofacial myofunctional therapy

Causal relationship between malocclusion and oral muscles dysfunction: a model of approach

Assessment of Lingual Frenulum Lengths in Skeletal Malocclusion


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Sleep Disorders: Evidence for a Causal Link and Therapeutic Implications

Intermittent Hypoxia and Hypercapnia, a Hallmark of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Alters the Gut Microbiome and Metabolome